​​​​​​​Weekly Service Times


Sunday School for all ages - 10:00 am

​Morning Worship Service - 11:00 am

Evening Worship Service - 6:00 pm


​Midweek Prayer Service & Children's Church - 7:00 pm


     We are so thrilled you have taken your time to consider Grace Baptist Church. We believe you will enjoy the warm friendly atmosphere, along with a hearty welcome and meaningful worship services. Our church is always excited to see visitors. This comes from a genuine desire to see the unsaved come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. It also gives us the opportunity to fellowship with God's people.

     Grace Baptist Church is a "traditional" Independent Baptist church. This means that we are not part of the Southern Baptist Convention, or any other denominational association. The Word of God is our final authority and the Lord Jesus Christ the Head of our church. We believe the Authorized Version of the Bible (the King James Version) is still God's Word for English speaking people today. We have a heart for world missions and believe preaching the gospel is preeminent.

At Grace Baptist Church, no matter what your age, there are regular activities for youth through senior adults. There are special services just for the children and a nursery is available. If we could ever be of assistance to you and your family, please let us know. May the Lord Jesus Christ give you wisdom as you determine the will of God for your life.